Labor Safety

Labor Safety
The Sunrex Technology Group has a total of approximately 15,000 employees around the globe, distributed on 3 continents. Based on the spirit of human rights, Sunrex provides a safe and healthy working environment for its employees, allowing each employee to enjoy personal protection when working hard and contributing to the company. At Sunrex, we never discriminate based on gender, religion, or political party, providing equal opportunities in terms of employment. We also create a favorable working environment, ensuring that our employees are not discriminated upon or harassed in any way. We ask our managers to genuinely care for their employees, allowing them to complete their work in an environment free of stress of the body and mind. As a global enterprise, Sunrex abides by the laws and regulations of all countries.
Social Laborer Safety
Social Laborer Safety
Based on the spirit of human rights Sunrex strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment
Transparent Channels for Promotion
We believe that our employees are the company’s most valuable assets, which is why Sunrex upholds humanism as its core principle, actively training and developing its talented employees, in hopes of one day being able to contribute to the industry. In addition to providing open, fair, and smooth promotion channels, allowing employees at all levels to be able to plan their careers early, we also provide overseas management opportunities for employees who have excellent performance according to their interests and strengths. We also assist our employees to strengthen their management capabilities, developing the professional managers of tomorrow.
Recruit Locally / Valuing Talent
In recent years, with the continual expansion of Sunrex’s production operations to different locations, the number of local employees appointed to management positions has been gradually increasing year after year. With the principle of employee diversity in mind, Sunrex has actively searched for elite talent with relevant skills through human resources organizations at its various locations, in hopes of creating maximum value for Sunrex and its customers through the different cultural and background characteristics of each location. In addition to recruiting talent externally, local operations facilities also periodically perform internal assessments. Through performance evaluations or supervisor recommendations, employees can be promoted to even more important positions. This not only creates opportunities for employees with vision, but also significantly increases loyalty and reduces turnover, effectively retaining good talent within the group.
Healthy Interaction
Sunrex is an important part of the PC peripherals components supply chain, and working at such a company can be stressful at times. However, thanks to our effective caring and management, none of our employees have ever been hospitalized due to over-exhaustion nor has anyone ever committed suicide. Furthermore, taking into consideration that most employees working at our offices and facilities do so by leaving their homes and families, it is normal for them to feel homesick once in a while, which is why Sunrex hosts various activities and events during important holidays to promote personal interaction and exchange between employees. We also host competitions with money and prizes to encourage employees to actively participate and fight for the honor of their groups.
Training and Encouragement
In an era of an explosion of knowledge, Sunrex encourages its employees to participate in various training courses to increase their competitiveness. The management departments at each of our plants hold non-periodic manager training courses in hopes that all managers ranking section chief and above will perform even better in the management of their teams after completing the courses. The contents of the courses are not restricted to professional training, but also include topics such as digital operations establishment and leadership skills. Furthermore, in addition to training activities held within company premises, activities and visitations to other external locations are also held from time to time, in hopes of inspiring new thinking at the corporate and organizational level through different cultural experiences, and having employees further apply their new thinking in their respective work posts.

Sunrex deeply understands that the large-scale growth of an enterprise is the result of the hard work and responsibility of each and every employee. Therefore, in addition to developing our business, we also have not forgotten to create a safe, healthy, and trustworthy working environment for our employees. After each of our plants are established, we actively implement the “OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification,” using systematic management methods to realize the matters that are required for the certification, thereby preventing occupational accidents from occurring.
We take advantage of OHSAS 18001 to help us with the management of the following key issues:
The planning of hazard identification, risk auditing, and risk control
OHSAS management program
Division structure and responsibilities
Training, understanding, and abilities
Consultation and communication
Operations control
Preventing and dealing with emergencies
Results measurement, monitoring, and improvement
Furthermore, all of the Group’s operating locations periodically perform fire equipment inspections, whereas all of our factory locations hold fire drills, training our staff to be able to reduce the severity of disasters in the shortest amount of time in the face of danger, and, to be able to effectively evacuate crowds of people. From Sunrex’s establishment to this day, very few occupational accidents or injuries have occurred, which proves how seriously we take environmental hygiene and employee safety.

Protection of Pregnant Female Employees
All female employees at Sunrex are entitled to all of the protection provided to them by legislation. Managers will properly adjust job responsibilities according to the female employee’s physical condition. For example, we may adjust a female’s role that requires frequent field work to one that is mainly office-based, making the female employee feel respected and cared for. After giving birth, the company guarantees that employees can come back to work, and we welcome their return. This allows employees to eliminate worries regarding their jobs while enjoying the happiness of a new addition to their family.

Usage of Child Labor is Forbidden
Sunrex, based on a humanitarian spirit and in compliance with labor laws, forbids the hiring of any child to ensure our children can grow up in an environment that is healthy for both mind and body. During our hiring process, our interview officers strongly stress our policy of not using child labor, and we also implement a strict identity verification process, eliminating the possibility of hiring child labor as a result of forged identification documents.